Stacie Jascott
TATTOOER.Stacie is the owner of Olympia Tattoo Co. and has been professionally tattooing since 1998. Stacie is pretty much a self taught tattoo artist, but was lucky enough to sit in and watch Sailor Jerry Swallow and work in Nova Scotia, Canada for a couple years. Learning the fundamentals of traditional tattooing, she would not be where she is at now without that experience. Since then, she has travelled all over the world tattooing, throughout the US, Europe, and Australia. Stacie enjoys bigger custom work, focusing more on Classic American designs and Japanese styles (panthers, tigers, snakes, dragons, daggers, hearts, flowers, lady heads, skulls, etc.). At the end of the day she wants to make the client happy and create beautiful, timeless tattoos, that will look good for years to come.